Friday, October 27, 2006

The Unseen Guest at Every Meal...

This ad was in two Kenyan newspapers all week. Intrigued, a journalist pal called the number and spoke to the dude. What's the ad about?

"Ever since I realised that my mind was being controlled by other people, I decided to form a support group for all the people who's minds are also being controlled. I think we can help each other."

KC wants to know: who'll control the meetings?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's the only one who has had the guts to be open about it and confront the issue by sharing.

And, he has a point, our minds are being controlled by others. They come in different shapes and forms notably, in-laws, boss, husband, wife etc. They make us do things that we ordinarily wouldn't want to if we had a choice. They have a vast array of weapons at their disposal including the "dissapproving frown mind ray", a favourite of in-laws, the "pay-check paper controller", usually used by the boss as well as other persuasive devices such as "Tusker capsules", "pool party deceptatron", "my-parents-are-away-for-the-weekend mind control hypnotism" and everyone's dreaded "Just-have-one-more-before-you-leave liquid brainalyser."

Many a mind has fallen victim to these well armed alien bodysnatchers...

The meeting will most likely be controled by their supreme ruler using brain rays amplified and beamed from the mothership which will be parked just behind the moon.

But, sssh... They're watching...


27 October, 2006 15:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's those damn aliens I tell you! Save yourself!

27 October, 2006 18:54  
Blogger The 0ne said...

Actually,its me...I just made you read my comment,didn't I..there's simply no telling what I'll make you do next...

Just a thought (my own,by the way) if you do in fact attend the meetings,is your mind not being controlled by that dude?

27 October, 2006 19:37  
Blogger spicebear said...

i have laughed myself stupid by the way. what if the people controlling his mind are the ones who put the ad there? so that they could ... er, recruit others?

i am amazed, really, i am.

27 October, 2006 21:04  
Blogger Savvy Dreamer said...

OMG!!!! are you serious??? what has the world turning into???

30 October, 2006 16:09  
Blogger Baz said...

I have noticed that every time I comment here it is with some obscure quote. Who is making me do that?

"I see my mind. It's still descending. At least for now I'm controlling its fall."

I can't stop.

31 October, 2006 15:19  
Blogger Uganda Tourism Press Journalists said...

those damn Martians! now they've gotten to this side of the world. when will they give up?

31 October, 2006 15:41  
Blogger Cheri said...

@KC...How are the meetings going????

01 November, 2006 12:13  
Blogger Cheri said...

@Degstar...I think ushd go for thesee meetings too!

01 November, 2006 12:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! How sure is he that he's not being used ... having his mind controlled so that he can smoke out still more hapless victims?

01 November, 2006 23:14  
Blogger Princess said...


03 November, 2006 00:09  
Blogger Girl in the Meadow said...

Good questions. So who is controlling his mind?
And how do they know they are being controlled. IMHO, must be a new Kenyan con Artist

03 November, 2006 16:38  
Blogger SisBigBones said...

Lol, that ad is too funny. At first I thought it was some schizophrenic paranoid type of ad, then I read Onkoba's comment and it actually makes sense. All the same, I don't know why anyone would put up an ad like that. Sounds like Miss Cleo or something

03 November, 2006 18:53  
Blogger modoathii said...

i see dead people...

it's the papers controlling his cahoots with safari...busted, someone was listening to my thoughts. will contact later...

06 November, 2006 16:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ebu go for one of their sessions and come and inform us of their on goings.

06 November, 2006 17:45  
Blogger Quillonpaper said...

yeah, how're the meets goin?

06 November, 2006 18:56  
Blogger Klara said...

It's da same media controllin our minds..

10 November, 2006 15:26  
Blogger POTASH said...

They could form a committee, the problem is that the committee will control them too...

12 November, 2006 16:25  
Blogger Udi said...

lmao. puts the whole "I see dead people" phrase into life doesnt it

13 November, 2006 21:37  
Blogger Savage said...

Pretty please, Will you quit with this one post a month routine?

17 November, 2006 19:09  
Blogger Kelitu said...

LOL! Your title reminds me of those plaques people used to have in their homes about Christ being the head of the diggs. They tickled me everytime i saw them!

21 November, 2006 00:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I think its about time for another post. Save me the heartache of opening this every day to find nothing...

Why, but why, must you treat us this way? Is there another blog in your life? Sniff...

23 November, 2006 11:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're crazy. I think your mama either dropped you on your head as a baby or you ate kay-apples for lunch for most of your childhood because i dont see how someone normal can come up with the refreshingly funny and sneeky jokes you come up with. Keep blogging away sister and you have earned my time,and judging from the comments i read, many other people's.

24 November, 2006 05:02  
Blogger Savage said...

you are just a couple of days away from a month since you last blessed us with your wisdom. Keep it coming Ma.

25 November, 2006 05:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Rock!!!

11 November, 2007 19:58  

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