grass my foot...let us not let our servants become elephants. they are maidservants.....really...and we should not be fighting over maids...even maids are honorouble...donkeys would be a better word.
how can we let two donkeys, beasts of burden become even reason for our fight...? nay we are proving to be pumbavus...
The elephants I know, but who is the grass?
@ Maua - you and me, babe. It's you and me.
One word first....kumeharibika.
Secondly, how we let two men set our nation on fire like this, I really wish I knew.Sigh
We still have u in our prayers.
Yenyewe nimeumia, and the two elephants are in their mansions spectating what they started.
Let's hunt elephants for their ivory. Really, the grass will be richer and safe from all the trumping. God bless Kenya.
grass my foot...let us not let our servants become elephants. they are maidservants.....really...and we should not be fighting over maids...even maids are honorouble...donkeys would be a better word.
how can we let two donkeys, beasts of burden become even reason for our fight...? nay we are proving to be pumbavus...
1ts really sad to see how brothers are turn1ng aga1nst brother, ne1ghbour to ne1ghbour.
The 1ssue has far gone from pol1t1cal 1ts now tr1bal, and the only way to stop 1t 1s to face 1t not make excuses for 1t, one and for all
we need to turn into some deadly poachers here..for the sake of our country....
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